Package-level declarations
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Sets the required bot permissions to use this text / application command.
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annotation class Cooldown(val cooldown: Long = 0, val unit: ChronoUnit = ChronoUnit.MILLIS, val scope: RateLimitScope = RateLimitScope.USER, val deleteOnRefill: Boolean = true)
Add a simple rate limit-based cooldown of this text / application command and components.
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Marks a parameter as being a generated option.
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Marks an option (@SlashOption or @TextOption) as being optional.
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annotation class RateLimit(val scope: RateLimitScope, val deleteOnRefill: Boolean = true, val bandwidths: Bandwidth)
Defines a rate limit for a command / component handler.
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Uses an existing rate limiter for this command / component handler.
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annotation class Refill(val type: RefillType, val tokens: Long, val period: Long, val periodUnit: ChronoUnit)
Defines how the tokens are refilled on each bandwidth.
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Refill type of bandwidths.
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Sets the required user permissions to use this text / application command.
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Generates N command options from the specified @SlashOption or @TextOption.