Package-level declarations


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annotation class ChannelTypes(val value: ChannelType)

Sets the desired channel types for this parameter.

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annotation class DoubleRange(val from: Double, val to: Double)

Sets the minimum and maximum values on the specified @SlashOption.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class JDASlashCommand(val name: String, val group: String = "", val subcommand: String = "", val description: String = "")

Declares this function as a slash command, additional properties can be set with @TopLevelSlashCommandData and @SlashCommandGroupData.

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annotation class Length(val min: Int = 1, val max: Int = OptionData.MAX_STRING_OPTION_LENGTH)

Sets the minimum and maximum string length on the specified @SlashOption.

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annotation class LongRange(val from: Long, val to: Long)

Sets the minimum and maximum values on the specified @SlashOption.

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annotation class MentionsString(val types: Message.MentionType = [])

Marks the slash command option as a list of mentionable retrieved from a string.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class SlashCommandGroupData(val description: String = "")

Additional annotation for slash command groups.

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annotation class SlashOption(val name: String = "", val description: String = "", val usePredefinedChoices: Boolean = false, val autocomplete: String = "")

Sets a parameter as a slash command option from Discord.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class TopLevelSlashCommandData(val scope: CommandScope = CommandScope.GLOBAL, val contexts: Array<InteractionContextType> = [], val integrationTypes: Array<IntegrationType> = [], val defaultLocked: Boolean = false, val nsfw: Boolean = false, val description: String = "")

Additional annotation for top-level slash commands.