Package-level declarations


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annotation class ComponentData

Sets this parameter as data coming from IPersistentActionableComponent.bindTo.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class ComponentTimeoutHandler(val name: String = "")

Declares this function as a component timeout handler with the given name.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class GroupTimeoutHandler(val name: String = "")

Declares this function as a component group timeout handler with the given name.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class JDAButtonListener(val name: String = "")

Declares this function as a button listener with the given name.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class JDASelectMenuListener(val name: String = "")

Declares this function as a select menu listener with the given name.

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@Condition(type = RequiresComponentsChecker::class)
@ConditionalOnProperty(value = ["botcommands.components.enable"])
annotation class RequiresComponents
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annotation class TimeoutData

Sets this parameter as data coming from IPersistentTimeoutableComponent.timeout.