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abstract val instance: T


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open fun addPermissions(vararg permissions: Permission): T
abstract fun addPermissions(permissions: Collection<Permission>): T

Adds permissions to the constraints

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open fun addRoleIds(vararg roleIds: Long): T
abstract fun addRoleIds(roleIds: Collection<Long>): T

Adds role IDs to the constraints

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open fun addRoles(vararg roles: Role): T
abstract fun addRoles(roles: Collection<Role>): T

Adds role IDs to the constraints

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open fun addUserIds(vararg userIds: Long): T
abstract fun addUserIds(userIds: Collection<Long>): T

Adds user IDs to the constraints

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open fun addUsers(vararg users: UserSnowflake): T
abstract fun addUsers(users: Collection<UserSnowflake>): T

Adds user IDs to the constraints

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abstract fun constraints(block: ReceiverConsumer<InteractionConstraints>): T

Allows manipulating the InteractionConstraints instance

open fun constraints(constraints: InteractionConstraints): T

Replaces the current interaction constraints with the given ones.