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open override val classes: MutableSet<Class<*>>

Additional classes the framework will scan through for services, commands, handlers...

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open override val debugConfig: BDebugConfigBuilder
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@set:JvmName(name = "disableAutocompleteCache")
open override var disableAutocompleteCache: Boolean

Disables autocomplete caching, unless CacheAutocomplete.forceCache is set to true.

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@set:JvmName(name = "disableExceptionsInDMs")
open override var disableExceptionsInDMs: Boolean

Disables sending exceptions to the bot owners

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open override val ignoredEventIntents: MutableSet<Class<out Event>>

Events for which the event waiter must ignore intent requirements.

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Gateway intents to ignore when checking for event listeners intents.

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open override var ignoreRestRateLimiter: Boolean

Suppresses warnings about the default RestRateLimiter being used for large bots.

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open override val ownerIds: MutableSet<Long>

User IDs of the bot owners, allowing bypassing cooldowns, user permission checks, and having hidden commands shown.

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open override val packages: MutableSet<String>

The packages the framework will scan through for services, commands, handlers...

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open override val predefinedOwnerIds: MutableSet<Long>

Predefined user IDs of the bot owners, allowing bypassing cooldowns, user permission checks, and having hidden commands shown.

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open override val textConfig: BTextConfigBuilder


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inline fun <T : Any> addClass()
fun addClass(clazz: Class<*>)

Adds a specific class containing services, commands, handlers, listeners, etc...

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fun addOwners(vararg ownerIds: Long)
fun addOwners(ownerIds: Collection<Long>)

Adds predefined owner IDs, disabling automatic bot owners retrieval.

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fun addPredefinedOwners(vararg ownerIds: Long)

Predefined user IDs of the bot owners, allowing bypassing cooldowns, user permission checks, and having hidden commands shown.

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fun addSearchPath(packageName: String)

Adds this package for class discovery. All services, commands, handlers, listeners, etc... will be read from these packages.

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open fun isOwner(userId: Long): Boolean

Whether this user is one of the bot owners.

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