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Utility class to use connections given by the ConnectionSupplier.
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@MissingServiceMessage(message = "Using a database required a service implementing ConnectionSupplier" )
Allows access to an SQL database.
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Utility class to use connections given by the ConnectionSupplier, in a suspending style.
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Sub-interface of ConnectionSupplier delegating simple HikariDataSource getters.
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Functional interface for Java JDBC prepared statements.
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class Transaction
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Functional interface for Java JDBC transactions.
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inline suspend fun <R> Database.preparedStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL" ) sql: String, readOnly: Boolean = false, columnNames: Array<out String>, block: SuspendingPreparedStatement.() -> R): R
inline suspend fun <R> Database.preparedStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL" ) sql: String, readOnly: Boolean = false, generatedKeys: Boolean = false, block: SuspendingPreparedStatement.() -> R): R
inline suspend fun <R> Database.preparedStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL" ) sql: String, readOnly: Boolean = false, columnIndexes: IntArray, block: SuspendingPreparedStatement.() -> R): R
Creates a statement from the given SQL statement, runs the block, commits the changes and closes the connection.
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inline suspend fun <R> Database.transactional(readOnly: Boolean = false, crossinline block: suspend Transaction.() -> R): R
Acquires a database connection, runs the block, commits the changes and closes the connection.
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Sets the logger used to log the query.