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abstract fun equals(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun preparedStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL") @NotNull sql: @NotNull String, columnIndexes: @NotNull Array<Int>): @NotNull BlockingPreparedStatement
open fun preparedStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL") @NotNull sql: @NotNull String, @NotNull columnNames: @NotNull Array<@NotNull String>): @NotNull BlockingPreparedStatement
Creates a statement from the given SQL statement.
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abstract fun toString(): String
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open fun <R, E : Exception?> withStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL") @NotNull sql: @NotNull String, @NotNull statementFunction: @NotNull StatementFunction<R, E>): R
open fun <R, E : Exception?> withStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL") @NotNull sql: @NotNull String, columnIndexes: @NotNull Array<Int>, @NotNull statementFunction: @NotNull StatementFunction<R, E>): R
open fun <R, E : Exception?> withStatement(@Language(value = "PostgreSQL") @NotNull sql: @NotNull String, @NotNull columnNames: @NotNull Array<@NotNull String>, @NotNull statementFunction: @NotNull StatementFunction<R, E>): R
Creates a statement from the given SQL statement, runs the function and closes the statement.