Package-level declarations


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One of the conditions required for a ConditionalService to be instantiated.

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Defines custom conditions used while checking service instantiability.

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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = true)
interface DynamicSupplier

Interface to supply services of the requested type.

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interface InstanceSupplier<T>

Supplies an instance of the registered type.

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interface LazyService<out T : Any> : Lazy<T>
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class ServiceResult<out T : Any>


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Filters out interfaced services of that type if they are already being inspected.

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Filters out interfaced services of that type if they are already being inspected.

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inline fun <T : Any> BContext.getService(): T
inline fun <T : Any> ServiceContainer.getService(): T
fun <T : Any> BContext.getService(kClass: KClass<T>): T
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inline fun <T : Any> BContext.getServiceOrNull(): T?
fun <T : Any> BContext.getServiceOrNull(kClass: KClass<T>): T?
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inline operator fun <T : Any> ServiceContainer.getValue(thisRef: Any?, prop: KProperty<*>): T
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inline fun <R : Any> ServiceContainer.lazy(): LazyService<R>
inline fun <R : Any> ServiceContainer.lazy(name: String): LazyService<R>
fun <R : Any> ServiceContainer.lazy(name: String, requiredType: KClass<R>): LazyService<R>
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inline fun <R : Any, U : R> ServiceContainer.lazyOrElse(crossinline block: () -> U): Lazy<R>
inline fun <R : Any, U : R> ServiceContainer.lazyOrElse(name: String, crossinline block: () -> U): Lazy<R>
fun <R : Any, U : R> ServiceContainer.lazyOrElse(clazz: KClass<R>, block: () -> U): Lazy<R>
fun <R : Any, U : R> ServiceContainer.lazyOrElse(name: String, requiredType: KClass<R>, block: () -> U): Lazy<R>
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inline fun <R : Any> ServiceContainer.lazyOrNull(): Lazy<R?>
inline fun <R : Any> ServiceContainer.lazyOrNull(name: String): Lazy<R?>
fun <R : Any> ServiceContainer.lazyOrNull(name: String, requiredType: KClass<R>): Lazy<R?>
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inline fun <T : Any> ServiceContainer.lazyService(name: String? = null): LazyService<T>
fun <T : Any> ServiceContainer.lazyService(clazz: KClass<T>, name: String? = null): LazyService<T>
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inline fun <T : Any> ServiceContainer.putServiceAs(t: T)
inline fun <T : Any> ServiceContainer.putServiceAs(t: T, name: String)
inline fun <T : Any> DefaultServiceContainer.putServiceAs(t: T, name: String = T::class.getServiceName(), isPrimary: Boolean = false, priority: Int = 0, typeAliases: Set<KClass<*>> = emptySet(), annotations: Collection<Annotation> = emptySet())
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inline fun <A : Any> DefaultServiceContainer.putServiceWithTypeAlias(t: Any, name: String = t::class.getServiceName(), isPrimary: Boolean = false, priority: Int = 0, annotations: Collection<Annotation> = emptySet())
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