
@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
interface BContext(source)

Main context for BotCommands framework.


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Initialization status of the framework.


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Returns the application commands context, this is for user/message/slash commands and related methods

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abstract val botOwners: BotOwners

Returns the BotOwners service.

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abstract val config: BConfig
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Returns the EventDispatcher service.

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Returns the global exception handler, used to handle errors caught by the framework, or null if none exists.

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Returns the help builder consumer - changes the EmbedBuilder given to add more stuff in it

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open val jda: JDA

Returns the JDA instance associated with this context.

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Returns the IDs of the bot owners.

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open val prefix: String?

Returns the preferred prefix for triggering this bot, or null if BTextConfig.usePingAsPrefix is disabled and no prefix was added in BTextConfig.prefixes.

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open val prefixes: List<String>

Returns the full list of prefixes used to trigger the bot.

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Returns the ServiceContainer service.

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Returns the SettingsProvider service, or null if none exists.

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abstract val status: BContext.Status

Returns the initialization status of the framework.

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open fun dispatchException(message: String, t: Throwable?)
abstract fun dispatchException(message: String, t: Throwable?, extraContext: Map<String, Any?>)

Sends an exception message to the bot owners.

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Returns the DefaultMessages instance for this Guild's locale

Returns the DefaultMessages instance for the provided Discord locale.

Returns the DefaultMessages instance for this user's locale

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Returns the DiscordLocale for the specified Guild

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abstract fun getExceptionContent(message: String, t: Throwable?, extraContext: Map<String, Any?>): String

Gets the message that would be sent by dispatchException.

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Filters out interfaced services of that type if they are already being inspected.

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Filters out interfaced services of that type if they are already being inspected.

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open fun <T : Any> getService(clazz: Class<T>): T
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inline fun <T : Any> BContext.getService(): T
fun <T : Any> BContext.getService(kClass: KClass<T>): T
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inline fun <T : Any> BContext.getServiceOrNull(): T?
fun <T : Any> BContext.getServiceOrNull(kClass: KClass<T>): T?
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open fun invalidateAutocompleteCache(autocompleteHandlerName: String)
open fun invalidateAutocompleteCache(autocompleteHandler: KFunction<Collection<Any>>)

Invalidates the autocomplete cache of the specified autocomplete handler.

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open fun isOwner(userId: Long): Boolean

Tells whether this user is an owner or not.

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open fun <T : Any> tryGetService(clazz: Class<T>): ServiceResult<T>
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