Package-level declarations


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class BBuilder

Entry point for the BotCommands framework.

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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
interface BContext

Main context for BotCommands framework.

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Entry point for the BotCommands framework.

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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
interface BotOwners

Holds owners of this bot.

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Represents a place where something (usually commands) was declared, used in exception messages.

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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
interface DefaultEmbedFooterIconSupplier
Interface for embed footer icons requested by getDefaultIconStream.
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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
interface DefaultEmbedSupplier
Interface for embeds requested by getDefaultEmbed, aiming to reduce boilerplate.
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Dispatches JDA and BC events to @BEventListener methods.

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interface Executable

Base class for any executable method (commands, components, modals...).

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interface Filter

Base filter interface.

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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
interface GlobalExceptionHandler
Interface with a method called everytime the framework catches an uncaught exception.
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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
fun interface ICoroutineEventManagerSupplier

Interface to supply a CoroutineEventManager, ran once at startup.

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Holds information on where this object was created at.

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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
@MissingServiceMessage(message = "A service extending JDAService must exist and has to be in the search path")
abstract class JDAService

Interfaced service to be implemented by the service which creates a JDA instance.

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object Logging

Utilities returning loggers.

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@InterfacedService(acceptMultiple = false)
interface SettingsProvider
Interface for settings requested by the framework, such as prefixes, guild locale or guild commands whitelist.


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inline fun JDAService.create(token: String, memberCachePolicy: MemberCachePolicy? = null, chunkingFilter: ChunkingFilter? = null, activity: Activity? = null, restConfig: RestConfig? = getDefaultRestConfig(), block: JDABuilder.() -> Unit = {}): JDA
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inline fun JDAService.createSharded(token: String, shardRange: IntRange? = null, shardsTotal: Int = -1, login: Boolean = true, memberCachePolicy: MemberCachePolicy? = null, chunkingFilter: ChunkingFilter? = null, noinline activityProvider: (shardId: Int) -> Activity? = null, restConfig: RestConfig? = getDefaultRestConfig(), block: DefaultShardManagerBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ShardManager
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fun <T> KLogger.debugNull(throwable: Throwable? = null, block: () -> Any?): T?

Lazy logs if KLogger.isDebugEnabled is true

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inline fun JDAService.default(token: String, memberCachePolicy: MemberCachePolicy? = null, chunkingFilter: ChunkingFilter? = null, activity: Activity? = null, restConfig: RestConfig? = getDefaultRestConfig(), block: JDABuilder.() -> Unit = {}): JDA
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inline fun JDAService.defaultSharded(token: String, shardRange: IntRange? = null, shardsTotal: Int = -1, login: Boolean = true, memberCachePolicy: MemberCachePolicy? = null, chunkingFilter: ChunkingFilter? = null, noinline activityProvider: (shardId: Int) -> Activity? = null, restConfig: RestConfig? = getDefaultRestConfig(), block: DefaultShardManagerBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ShardManager
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fun <T> KLogger.errorNull(throwable: Throwable? = null, block: () -> Any?): T?

Lazy logs if KLogger.isErrorEnabled is true

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fun <T> KLogger.infoNull(throwable: Throwable? = null, block: () -> Any?): T?

Lazy logs if KLogger.isInfoEnabled is true

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inline fun JDAService.light(token: String, memberCachePolicy: MemberCachePolicy? = null, chunkingFilter: ChunkingFilter? = null, activity: Activity? = null, restConfig: RestConfig? = getDefaultRestConfig(), block: JDABuilder.() -> Unit = {}): JDA
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inline fun JDAService.lightSharded(token: String, shardRange: IntRange? = null, shardsTotal: Int = -1, login: Boolean = true, memberCachePolicy: MemberCachePolicy? = null, chunkingFilter: ChunkingFilter? = null, noinline activityProvider: (shardId: Int) -> Activity? = null, restConfig: RestConfig? = getDefaultRestConfig(), block: DefaultShardManagerBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ShardManager
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fun Any.objectLogger(): KLogger

Returns the KLogger for the class of this object.

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fun <T> KLogger.traceNull(throwable: Throwable? = null, block: () -> Any?): T?

Lazy logs if KLogger.isTraceEnabled is true

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fun <T> KLogger.warnNull(throwable: Throwable? = null, block: () -> Any?): T?

Lazy logs if KLogger.isWarnEnabled is true