
value class RestResult<out T>(source)

Encapsulates a successful outcome or a failure.

Failures can be dismissed as long as the value isn't retrieved.

See also


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object Companion


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Returns true if this instance represents a failed outcome. In this case isSuccess returns false.

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Whether this result's exception has been ignored.

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Returns true if this instance represents a successful outcome. In this case isFailure returns false.


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Returns the encapsulated Throwable exception if this instance represents failure or null if it is success.

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Returns the encapsulated Throwable exception if this instance represents failure or null if it is success or the exception is ignored.

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fun getOrNull(): T?

Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents success or null if it is failure.

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fun getOrThrow(): T

Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents success or throws the encapsulated Throwable exception if it is failure.

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inline fun <T> RestResult<T>.handle(vararg types: KClass<out Throwable>, block: (Throwable) -> Unit): RestResult<T>
inline fun <T> RestResult<T>.handle(predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean, block: (Throwable) -> Unit): RestResult<T>

inline fun <T> RestResult<T>.handle(vararg responses: ErrorResponse, block: (ErrorResponseException) -> Unit): RestResult<T>

Dismisses the encapsulated error response and runs the given block if it corresponds to an ignored response.

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fun <T> RestResult<T>.ignore(vararg types: KClass<out Throwable>): RestResult<T>

Dismisses the encapsulated exception if it corresponds to an ignored exception.

fun <T> RestResult<T>.ignore(vararg responses: ErrorResponse): RestResult<T>

Dismisses the encapsulated error response if it corresponds to an ignored response.

inline fun <T> RestResult<T>.ignore(predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean): RestResult<T>

Dismisses the encapsulated exception if it corresponds to an predicate.

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Runs the given block if the result is an error response.

Runs the given block if the result is the specified error response.

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Runs the given block if the result is an ErrorResponseException.

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inline fun onFailure(block: (Throwable) -> Unit): RestResult<T>

Runs the given block on the encapsulated Throwable exception if this instance represents failure, and the exception is not ignored.

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inline fun onSuccess(block: (T) -> Unit): RestResult<T>

Runs the given block on the encapsulated value if this instance represents success.

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fun orThrow()

Throws the encapsulated Throwable exception if it is failure and it is not ignored.

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inline fun <T : R, R> RestResult<T>.recover(vararg types: KClass<out Throwable>, block: (Throwable) -> R): RestResult<R>
inline fun <T : R, R> RestResult<T>.recover(predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean, block: (Throwable) -> R): RestResult<R>

inline fun <T : R, R> RestResult<T>.recover(vararg responses: ErrorResponse, block: (ErrorResponseException) -> R): RestResult<R>

Maps the encapsulated error response using the given function block if it corresponds to an ignored response.

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open override fun toString(): String