named Default Scope
Creates a CoroutineScope with incremental thread naming, uses getDefaultScope under the hood.
The base name of the threads and coroutines, will be prefixed by the number if corePoolSize 1
The number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle
The parent job used for coroutines which can be used to cancel all children, uses SupervisorJob by default
The CoroutineExceptionHandler used for handling uncaught exceptions, uses a logging handler which cancels the parent job on Error by default
Any additional context to add to the scope, uses EmptyCoroutineContext by default
Creates a CoroutineScope with incremental thread naming, uses getDefaultScope under the hood.
The name of the coroutines
The executor running the coroutines
The parent job used for coroutines which can be used to cancel all children, uses SupervisorJob by default
The CoroutineExceptionHandler used for handling uncaught exceptions, uses a logging handler which cancels the parent job on Error by default
Any additional context to add to the scope, uses EmptyCoroutineContext by default