fun create(objectMapper: ObjectMapper, templateFunction: LocalizationTemplateFunction, folderName: String, extensions: List<String>, classLoader: ClassLoader = JacksonLocalizationMapReader(source)
Constructs a JacksonLocalizationMapReader with the given template function.
The bundles are read using the folderName and extensions, in the specified classLoader, note that folders are not explored recursively.
object Mapper
Object mapper with support for any data format (such as JSON, YAML and TOML)
template Function
Function returning a LocalizationTemplate from the template string and locale
folder Name
Path where the bundles can be found, cannot start with /
Extensions which the bundles can use
class Loader
Where to load the resources from, useful if the bundles are in a different named module
If folderName starts with a /
, or extensions is empty