
Allows you to configure the localization settings of this text command event, as well as retrieve a localization context from it.

Configuring localization bundle and prefix

You can change the bundle and prefix in the first lines of your interaction handler, with localizationBundle and localizationPrefix.

Configuring the guild locale source

They are by default retrieved from the guild, but you can get them in other ways by implementing TextCommandLocaleProvider.

See also



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abstract var localizationBundle: String?

If set, forces the specified localization bundle to be used.

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abstract var localizationPrefix: String?

If set, adds the specified prefix to the path of every localization call, useful to avoid using very long strings in every reply/edit.


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Retrieves a DefaultMessages instance, using a locale suitable for messages sent to the user.

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abstract fun getGuildMessage(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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fun LocalizableTextCommand.getGuildMessage(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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abstract override fun getLocalizationContext(bundleName: String, pathPrefix: String?): TextLocalizationContext

Returns a localization context for the provided bundle name and path prefix, using the locale from TextCommandLocaleProvider.getDiscordLocale.

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abstract fun getLocalizedMessage(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): String
open fun getLocalizedMessage(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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fun LocalizableAction.getLocalizedMessage(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): String
fun LocalizableAction.getLocalizedMessage(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): String
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abstract fun replyGuild(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageCreateAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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fun LocalizableTextCommand.replyGuild(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): MessageCreateAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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abstract fun replyLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageCreateAction
open fun replyLocalized(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageCreateAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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fun LocalizableTextCommand.replyLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): MessageCreateAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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abstract fun respondGuild(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageCreateAction

Responds with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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Responds with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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abstract fun respondLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageCreateAction
open fun respondLocalized(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageCreateAction

Responds with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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fun LocalizableTextCommand.respondLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): MessageCreateAction

Responds with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.