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The permissions required for the bot to run this command.

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abstract val context: BContext

The main context.

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abstract override var declarationSite: DeclarationSite

Purely for debugging purposes, will be shown in exceptions.

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Set of filters preventing this command from executing.

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abstract var isDefaultLocked: Boolean

Specifies whether the application command is disabled for everyone but administrators by default, so that administrators can further configure the command.

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abstract val name: String

The name of this command.

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abstract var nsfw: Boolean

Specifies whether the application command is usable in NSFW channels.

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The parent of this command, null for top-level commands.

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abstract val path: CommandPath

The complete path that leads to this command.

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abstract val scope: CommandScope
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The permissions required for the caller to use this command.


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abstract fun aggregate(declaredName: String, aggregator: KFunction<*>, block: T.() -> Unit = {})

Declares multiple options aggregated in a single parameter.

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fun CommandBuilder.cooldown(duration: Duration, scope: RateLimitScope = RateLimitScope.USER, deleteOnRefill: Boolean = true, block: RateLimitBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Sets an anonymous rate limit-based cooldown on this command. This cooldown cannot be referenced anywhere else as it is not registered.

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abstract fun customOption(declaredName: String)

Declares a custom option, such as an TextLocalizationContext (with @LocalizationBundle).

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Convenience extension to load an ApplicationCommandFilter service.

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abstract fun generatedOption(declaredName: String, generatedValueSupplier: ApplicationGeneratedValueSupplier)

Declares a generated option, the supplier gets called on each command execution.

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inline fun <T : OptionAggregateBuilder<T>> OptionAggregateBuilderContainer<T>.inlineClassAggregate(declaredName: String, noinline block: T.(valueName: String) -> Unit)
inline fun <T : OptionAggregateBuilder<T>> OptionAggregateBuilderContainer<T>.inlineClassAggregate(declaredName: String, noinline block: T.(valueParameter: KParameter, valueName: String) -> Unit)
inline fun <T : OptionAggregateBuilder<T>> OptionAggregateBuilderContainer<T>.inlineClassAggregate(declaredName: String, clazz: KClass<*>, crossinline block: T.(valueName: String) -> Unit)
fun <T : OptionAggregateBuilder<T>> OptionAggregateBuilderContainer<T>.inlineClassAggregate(declaredName: String, clazz: KClass<*>, block: T.(valueParameter: KParameter, valueName: String) -> Unit)

Declares an aggregate creating an instance of the specified inline class, which can only accept a single option.

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abstract fun rateLimit(rateLimiter: RateLimiter, block: RateLimitBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Sets an anonymous rate limiter on this command. This rate limiter cannot be referenced anywhere else as it is not registered.

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abstract fun rateLimitReference(group: String)

Sets the rate limiter of this command to one declared by a RateLimitProvider.

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abstract fun serviceOption(declaredName: String)

Declares a service option, allowing injection of services, which must be available.