
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class JDAMessageCommand(val scope: CommandScope = CommandScope.GLOBAL_NO_DM, val defaultLocked: Boolean = false, val nsfw: Boolean = false, val name: String)(source)

Declares this function as a message context command.

See the Discord docs for more details.


Option types

See also









Declaring global application commands using the DSL

Declaring guild application commands using the DSL


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val defaultLocked: Boolean = false

Specifies whether the application command is disabled for everyone but administrators by default, so that administrators can further configure the command.

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Primary name of the command, which can contain spaces and upper cases.

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val nsfw: Boolean = false

Specifies whether the application command is usable in NSFW channels.

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Specifies the application command scope for this command.