
abstract class ApplicationCommand(source)

Base class for annotated application commands such as slash / context commands.

You are not required to use this if you use the application command provider interfaces.

See also





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open fun getGeneratedValueSupplier(guild: Guild?, commandId: String?, commandPath: CommandPath, optionName: String, parameterType: ParameterType): ApplicationGeneratedValueSupplier

Returns the generated value supplier of a @GeneratedOption.

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open fun getGuildsForCommandId(commandId: String, commandPath: CommandPath): Collection<Long>?

Returns a collection of Guild IDs in which the specified command ID will be allowed to be pushed in.

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open fun getOptionChoices(guild: Guild?, commandPath: CommandPath, optionName: String): List<Command.Choice>

Returns the choices available for this command path, on the specific optionName.