get Generated Value Supplier
open fun getGeneratedValueSupplier(guild: Guild?, commandId: String?, commandPath: CommandPath, optionName: String, parameterType: ParameterType): ApplicationGeneratedValueSupplier(source)
Returns the generated value supplier of a @GeneratedOption.
This function will only be called once per command option per guild.
A ApplicationGeneratedValueSupplier to generate the option on command execution
The Guild in which to add the default value, null
if the scope is not CommandScope.GUILD
command Id
The ID of the command, as optionally set in @CommandId, might be null
command Path
The path of the command, as set in @JDASlashCommand
option Name
The option name, not the same as the parameter name, this is the same name that appears on Discord
parameter Type
The boxed type of the command option