JDAUser Command
Declares this function as a user context command.
See the Discord docs for more details.
The declaring class must be annotated with @Command and extend ApplicationCommand.
The first parameter must be:
GuildUserEvent if the interaction context only contains InteractionContextType.GUILD.
GlobalUserEvent in other cases.
Option types
Input options: Uses @ContextOption, supported types and modifiers are in ParameterResolver, but only the targeted User/Member and InputUser are supported by default, additional types can be added by implementing UserContextParameterResolver.
Custom options: No annotation, additional types can be added by implementing ICustomResolver.
Service options: No annotation, however, I recommend injecting the service in the class instead.
See also
Declaring global application commands using the DSL
Declaring guild application commands using the DSL
DSL equivalent
Represents where a command can be used.
Specifies whether the application command is disabled for everyone but administrators by default, so that administrators can further configure the command.
The integration types in which this command can be installed in.
Specifies the application command scope for this command, where the command will be pushed to.