
Represents a text subcommand.


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abstract val aliases: List<String>

Aliases for this text command.

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The permissions required for the bot to run this command.

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abstract val context: BContext

The main context.

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Purely for debugging purposes, will be shown in exceptions.

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abstract val description: String?

General description of this text command, part of the built-in help command.

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Consumer of an EmbedBuilder, runs after generating the built-in help content.

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abstract val hidden: Boolean

Whether this command is hidden.

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abstract val isOwnerRequired: Boolean

Whether this command can only be run by the bot owners.

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abstract val name: String

The name of this command.

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abstract val nsfw: Boolean

Whether this command should only be executable in NSFW channels.

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The parent of this command, null for top-level commands.

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abstract val path: CommandPath

The complete path that leads to this command.

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Subcommands of this text command, the key is the name of the subcommand.

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The permissions required for the caller to use this command.

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Variations of this command, see TextCommandBuilder.variation for details.


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abstract fun getUsability(member: Member, channel: GuildMessageChannel): Usability

Returns a Usability instance, representing whether this text command can be used, and if it is visible, for example, in the help content.

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abstract fun hasRateLimiter(): Boolean

Return true if this has a rate limiter.