
Allows sending follow-ups to interactions using localized strings, registered from bundles in BLocalizationConfig.responseBundles.

See LocalizableInteraction for further configuration.

See also


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The localizable interaction attached to this hook.


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open fun deleteMessageById(p0: Long): WebhookMessageDeleteAction
abstract fun deleteMessageById(@Nonnull p0: String): WebhookMessageDeleteAction
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open fun deleteOriginal(): RestAction<Void>
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abstract fun editGuild(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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abstract fun editLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editLocalized(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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Edits the text content of the original message with a localized message.

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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open fun editMessageAttachmentsById(p0: Long, @Nonnull vararg p1: AttachedFile): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageAttachmentsById(p0: Long, @Nonnull p1: MutableCollection<out AttachedFile>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageAttachmentsById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull vararg p1: AttachedFile): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
abstract fun editMessageAttachmentsById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull p1: MutableCollection<out AttachedFile>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editMessageById(p0: Long, @Nonnull p1: String): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageById(p0: Long, p1: MessageEditData): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
abstract fun editMessageById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull p1: String): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
abstract fun editMessageById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull p1: MessageEditData): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editMessageComponentsById(p0: Long, @Nonnull vararg p1: LayoutComponent): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageComponentsById(p0: Long, @Nonnull p1: MutableCollection<out LayoutComponent>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageComponentsById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull vararg p1: LayoutComponent): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
abstract fun editMessageComponentsById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull p1: MutableCollection<out LayoutComponent>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editMessageEmbedsById(p0: Long, @Nonnull vararg p1: MessageEmbed): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageEmbedsById(p0: Long, @Nonnull p1: MutableCollection<out MessageEmbed>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageEmbedsById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull vararg p1: MessageEmbed): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
abstract fun editMessageEmbedsById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull p1: MutableCollection<out MessageEmbed>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editMessageFormatById(p0: Long, @Nonnull p1: String, @Nonnull vararg p2: Any): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editMessageFormatById(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull p1: String, @Nonnull vararg p2: Any): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editOriginal(@Nonnull p0: String): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editOriginal(@Nonnull p0: MessageEditData): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editOriginalAttachments(@Nonnull vararg p0: AttachedFile): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editOriginalAttachments(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out AttachedFile>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editOriginalComponents(@Nonnull vararg p0: LayoutComponent): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editOriginalComponents(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out LayoutComponent>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editOriginalEmbeds(@Nonnull vararg p0: MessageEmbed): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
open fun editOriginalEmbeds(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out MessageEmbed>): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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open fun editOriginalFormat(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull vararg p1: Any): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>
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abstract fun editUser(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageEditAction<Message>

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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open fun getId(): String
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abstract fun getIdLong(): Long
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abstract fun getInteraction(): Interaction
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abstract override fun getJDA(): JDA
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open fun getTimeCreated(): OffsetDateTime
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abstract fun getToken(): String?
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open fun isExpired(): Boolean
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Replaces the entire original message with a localized message.

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abstract fun retrieveMessageById(@Nonnull p0: String): WebhookMessageRetrieveAction
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open fun retrieveOriginal(): RestAction<Message>
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open fun sendFiles(@Nonnull vararg p0: FileUpload): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
abstract fun sendFiles(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out FileUpload>): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
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abstract fun sendGuild(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>

Sends a follow-up with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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Sends a follow-up with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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abstract fun sendLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
open fun sendLocalized(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>

Sends a follow-up with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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Sends a localized followup message to this interaction hook.

Sends a follow-up with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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Sends a localized ephemeral followup message to this interaction hook.

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abstract fun sendMessage(@Nonnull p0: String): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
abstract fun sendMessage(@Nonnull p0: MessageCreateData): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
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abstract fun sendMessageComponents(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out LayoutComponent>): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
open fun sendMessageComponents(@Nonnull p0: LayoutComponent, @Nonnull vararg p1: LayoutComponent): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
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abstract fun sendMessageEmbeds(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out MessageEmbed>): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
open fun sendMessageEmbeds(@Nonnull p0: MessageEmbed, @Nonnull vararg p1: MessageEmbed): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
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open fun sendMessageFormat(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull vararg p1: Any): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
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abstract fun sendMessagePoll(@Nonnull p0: MessagePollData): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>
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abstract fun sendUser(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): WebhookMessageCreateAction<Message>

Sends a follow-up with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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Sends a follow-up with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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abstract fun setEphemeral(p0: Boolean): InteractionHook