
Interaction event for modals.


You can send localized replies and edit messages using the user, guild and also any Locale, by using this event directly, but also the interaction hook, see LocalizableInteraction for more details and configuration.

An alternative to using this event is injecting an AppLocalizationContext in a parameter, or retrieving one using getLocalizationContext.

In both cases, you can configure the user and guild locales, using UserLocaleProvider and GuildLocaleProvider.


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Gets the interaction user as an InputUser.

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open override var localizationBundle: String?

If set, forces the specified localization bundle to be used.

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open override var localizationPrefix: String?

If set, adds the specified prefix to the path of every localization call, useful to avoid using very long strings in every reply/edit.


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open override fun deferEdit(): MessageEditCallbackAction
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open override fun deferReply(): ReplyCallbackAction
open fun deferReply(p0: Boolean): ReplyCallbackAction
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open fun editComponents(@Nonnull vararg p0: LayoutComponent): MessageEditCallbackAction
open fun editComponents(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out LayoutComponent>): MessageEditCallbackAction
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open override fun editGuild(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageEditCallbackAction

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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open override fun editLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageEditCallbackAction

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

open override fun editLocalized(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageEditCallbackAction

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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Edits the text content of the original message with a localized message.

fun LocalizableEditCallback.editLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): MessageEditCallbackAction

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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open fun editMessage(@Nonnull p0: String): MessageEditCallbackAction
open fun editMessage(@Nonnull p0: MessageEditData): MessageEditCallbackAction
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open fun editMessageAttachments(@Nonnull vararg p0: AttachedFile): MessageEditCallbackAction
open fun editMessageAttachments(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out AttachedFile>): MessageEditCallbackAction
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open fun editMessageEmbeds(@Nonnull vararg p0: MessageEmbed): MessageEditCallbackAction
open fun editMessageEmbeds(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out MessageEmbed>): MessageEditCallbackAction
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open fun editMessageFormat(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull vararg p1: Any): MessageEditCallbackAction
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open override fun editUser(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): MessageEditCallbackAction

Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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Edits the original message with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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@JvmName(name = "getValue")
operator fun get(component: ActionComponent): ModalMapping
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open override fun getChannel(): MessageChannelUnion
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open fun getChannelId(): String?
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open override fun getChannelIdLong(): Long
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open fun getChannelType(): ChannelType
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open override fun getDefaultMessages(): DefaultMessages

Retrieves a DefaultMessages instance, using a locale suitable for messages sent to the user.

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open override fun getEntitlements(): MutableList<Entitlement>
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open override fun getGuild(): Guild?
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open fun getGuildChannel(): GuildChannel
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open override fun getGuildLocale(): DiscordLocale
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open override fun getGuildMessage(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and parameters.

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fun LocalizableInteraction.getGuildMessage(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and parameters.

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open override fun getHook(): LocalizableInteractionHook
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open fun getId(): String
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open override fun getIdLong(): Long
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open override fun getInteraction(): ModalInteraction
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open override fun getJDA(): JDA
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open override fun getLocalizationContext(bundleName: String, pathPrefix: String?): AppLocalizationContext

Returns a localization context for the provided bundle name and path prefix, using the locales from UserLocaleProvider.getDiscordLocale and GuildLocaleProvider.getDiscordLocale.

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open override fun getLocalizedMessage(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

open override fun getLocalizedMessage(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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fun LocalizableAction.getLocalizedMessage(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): String
fun LocalizableAction.getLocalizedMessage(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): String
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open override fun getMember(): Member?
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open override fun getMessage(): Message?
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open fun getMessageChannel(): MessageChannel
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open override fun getModalId(): String
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open override fun getRawData(): DataObject?
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open override fun getResponseNumber(): Long
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open fun getTimeCreated(): OffsetDateTime
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open override fun getToken(): String
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open fun getType(): InteractionType
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open override fun getTypeRaw(): Int
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open override fun getUser(): User
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open override fun getUserLocale(): DiscordLocale
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open override fun getUserMessage(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and parameters.

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fun LocalizableInteraction.getUserMessage(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): String

Returns the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and parameters.

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open fun getValue(@Nonnull p0: String): ModalMapping?
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open override fun getValues(): MutableList<ModalMapping>
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open override fun isAcknowledged(): Boolean
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open fun isFromGuild(): Boolean
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Replaces the entire original message with a localized message.

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open fun reply(@Nonnull p0: String): ReplyCallbackAction
open fun reply(@Nonnull p0: MessageCreateData): ReplyCallbackAction
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open fun replyComponents(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out LayoutComponent>): ReplyCallbackAction
open fun replyComponents(@Nonnull p0: LayoutComponent, @Nonnull vararg p1: LayoutComponent): ReplyCallbackAction
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open fun replyEmbeds(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out MessageEmbed>): ReplyCallbackAction
open fun replyEmbeds(@Nonnull p0: MessageEmbed, @Nonnull vararg p1: MessageEmbed): ReplyCallbackAction
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open fun replyFiles(@Nonnull vararg p0: FileUpload): ReplyCallbackAction
open fun replyFiles(@Nonnull p0: MutableCollection<out FileUpload>): ReplyCallbackAction
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open fun replyFormat(@Nonnull p0: String, @Nonnull vararg p1: Any): ReplyCallbackAction
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open override fun replyGuild(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): ReplyCallbackAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the guild's locale and provided parameters.

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open override fun replyLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): ReplyCallbackAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

open override fun replyLocalized(locale: DiscordLocale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): ReplyCallbackAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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fun IReplyCallback.replyLocalized(context: LocalizationContext, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): ReplyCallbackAction

Replies a localized message to this interaction and acknowledges it.

fun LocalizableReplyCallback.replyLocalized(locale: Locale, localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): ReplyCallbackAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the provided locale and parameters.

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Replies a localized ephemeral message to this interaction and acknowledges it.

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open fun replyPoll(@Nonnull p0: MessagePollData): ReplyCallbackAction
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open override fun replyUser(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: Localization.Entry): ReplyCallbackAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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fun LocalizableReplyCallback.replyUser(localizationPath: String, vararg entries: PairEntry): ReplyCallbackAction

Replies with the localized message at the following path, using the user's locale and provided parameters.

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open override fun toString(): String