
Default implementation for LocalizationTemplate.

This is effectively MessageFormat, but with named parameters.

To declare a variable inside your localization template, you may use {variable_name}.

As this supports MessageFormat, you can also specify format types, such as: {variable_name, number}, and format styles, such as: {user_amount, choice, 0#users|1#user|1<users}.

Full example: "There are {user_amount} {user_amount, choice, 0#users|1#user|1<users} and my up-time is {uptime, number} seconds"


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constructor(context: BContext, template: String, locale: Locale)


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open override fun localize(vararg args: Localization.Entry): String

Processes the localization template and replaces the named parameters by their values

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Processes the localization template and replaces the named parameters by their values

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open override fun toString(): String