Modal Handler
Declares this function as a modal handler for the specified modal name.
The declaring class must be annotated with @Handler or @Command.
The annotation value to have same name as the one given to ModalBuilder.bindTo.
First parameter must be ModalEvent.
Optionally: Have all your consecutive @ModalData, specified in ModalBuilder.bindTo.
Option types
Input options: Uses @ModalInput, the annotation's value must match the name given in Modals.createTextInput, supported types and modifiers are in ParameterResolver, additional types can be added by implementing ModalParameterResolver.
Custom options: No annotation, additional types can be added by implementing ICustomResolver.
Service options: No annotation, however, I recommend injecting the service in the class instead.
See also
The name of the handler, which must be the same handler name as in Modals.create