
Factory for buttons, see Components for more details.


Persistent button (Kotlin)

class SlashSayAgainPersistent : ApplicationCommand() {
@JDASlashCommand(name = "say_again", subcommand = "persistent", description = "Sends a button to send a message again")
suspend fun onSlashSayAgain(
event: GuildSlashEvent,
@SlashOption @Length(max = Button.LABEL_MAX_LENGTH - 6) sentence: String,
buttons: Buttons
) {
// A button that always works, even after a restart
val persistentSaySentenceButton = buttons.secondary("Say '$sentence'").persistent {
// Make sure only the caller can use the button
constraints += event.user

// In Kotlin, you can use callable references,
// which enables you to use persistent callbacks in a type-safe manner
bindTo(::onSaySentenceClick, sentence)

event.reply("This button always works")

@JDAButtonListener // No need for a name if you use the type-safe bindTo extensions
suspend fun onSaySentenceClick(event: ButtonEvent, sentence: String) {
event.reply_(sentence, ephemeral = true).await()

Ephemeral button (Kotlin)

class SlashSayAgainEphemeral : ApplicationCommand() {
@JDASlashCommand(name = "say_again", subcommand = "ephemeral", description = "Sends a button to send a message again")
suspend fun onSlashSayAgain(
event: GuildSlashEvent,
@SlashOption @Length(max = Button.LABEL_MAX_LENGTH - 6) sentence: String,
buttons: Buttons
) {
// A button, which gets invalidated after restart, here it gets deleted after a timeout of 10 seconds
// We have to use lateinit as the button is used in a callback
lateinit var temporarySaySentenceButton: Button
temporarySaySentenceButton = buttons.primary("Say '$sentence'").ephemeral {
// Make sure only the caller can use the button
constraints += event.user

// The code to run when the button gets clicked
bindTo { buttonEvent -> buttonEvent.reply_(sentence, ephemeral = true).await() }

// Disables this button after 10 seconds
timeout(10.seconds) {
val newRow = row(temporarySaySentenceButton.asDisabled())
event.hook.editOriginalComponents(newRow).await() // Coroutines!

event.reply("This button expires ${TimeFormat.RELATIVE.after(10.seconds)}")

Persistent button (Java)

public class SlashSayAgainPersistent extends ApplicationCommand {
private static final String SAY_SENTENCE_HANDLER_NAME = "SlashSayAgainPersistent: saySentenceButton";

@JDASlashCommand(name = "say_again", subcommand = "persistent", description = "Sends a button to send a message again")
public void onSlashSayAgain(
GuildSlashEvent event,
@SlashOption @Length(max = Button.LABEL_MAX_LENGTH - 6) String sentence,
Buttons buttons
) {
// A button that always works, even after a restart
final var persistentSaySentenceButton = buttons.secondary("Say '" + sentence + "'").persistent()
// Make sure only the caller can use the button
// The method annotated with a JDAButtonListener of the same name will get called,
// with the sentence as the argument

event.reply("This button always works")

public void onSaySentenceClick(ButtonEvent event, String sentence) {

Ephemeral button (Java)

public class SlashSayAgainEphemeral extends ApplicationCommand {
@JDASlashCommand(name = "say_again", subcommand = "ephemeral", description = "Sends a button to send a message again")
public void onSlashSayAgain(
GuildSlashEvent event,
@SlashOption @Length(max = Button.LABEL_MAX_LENGTH - 6) String sentence,
Buttons buttons
) {
// A button, which gets invalidated after restart, here it gets deleted after a timeout of 10 seconds
AtomicReference<Button> temporaryButtonRef = new AtomicReference<>();
final var temporarySaySentenceButton = buttons.primary("Say '" + sentence + "'").ephemeral()
// Make sure only the caller can use the button
// The code to run when the button gets clicked
.bindTo(buttonEvent -> buttonEvent.reply(sentence).setEphemeral(true).queue())
// Disables this button after 10 seconds
.timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10), () -> {
final var newRow = ActionRow.of(temporaryButtonRef.get().asDisabled());
temporaryButtonRef.set(temporarySaySentenceButton); // We have to do this to get the button in our timeout handler

event.reply("This button expires " + TimeFormat.RELATIVE.after(Duration.ofSeconds(10)))

See also


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Creates a reference to a rate limiter previously declared by a RateLimitProvider, alongside a discriminator which differentiates this component from others under the same group.

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fun danger(label: String): ButtonFactory

Creates a danger button factory with the label provided.

fun danger(emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory
fun danger(label: String, emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory

Creates a danger button factory with the emoji provided.

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suspend fun deleteComponents(vararg components: IdentifiableComponent): <Error class: unknown class>
suspend fun deleteComponents(components: Collection<IdentifiableComponent>): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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suspend fun deleteComponentsByIds(vararg ids: Int): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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@JvmName(name = "deleteComponentsByIds")
fun deleteComponentsByIdsJava(vararg ids: Int): <Error class: unknown class>
@JvmName(name = "deleteComponentsByIds")
fun deleteComponentsByIdsJava(ids: Collection<Int>): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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@JvmName(name = "deleteComponents")
fun deleteComponentsJava(vararg components: IdentifiableComponent): <Error class: unknown class>
@JvmName(name = "deleteComponents")
fun deleteComponentsJava(components: Collection<IdentifiableComponent>): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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suspend fun deleteJdaComponents(vararg components: ActionComponent): <Error class: unknown class>
suspend fun deleteJdaComponents(components: Collection<ActionComponent>): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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@JvmName(name = "deleteJdaComponents")
fun deleteJdaComponentsJava(vararg components: ActionComponent): <Error class: unknown class>
@JvmName(name = "deleteJdaComponents")
fun deleteJdaComponentsJava(components: Collection<ActionComponent>): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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suspend fun deleteRows(components: Collection<LayoutComponent>): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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@JvmName(name = "deleteRows")
fun deleteRowsJava(components: Collection<LayoutComponent>): <Error class: unknown class>

Removes the component data stored by the framework of the provided components.

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Gets an existing reference to a ComponentRateLimitReference.

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fun group(vararg components: IGroupHolder): ComponentGroupFactory

Creates a group of components.

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fun link(url: String, label: String): Button

Creates a danger button factory with the label provided.

fun link(url: String, emoji: Emoji): Button
fun link(url: String, label: String, emoji: Emoji): Button

Creates a danger button factory with the emoji provided.

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fun of(content: ButtonContent): ButtonFactory

Creates a button factory with the style, label and emoji provided by the ButtonContent.

fun of(style: ButtonStyle, label: String): ButtonFactory

Creates a button factory with the style and label provided.

fun of(style: ButtonStyle, emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory

Creates a button factory with the style and emoji provided.

fun of(style: ButtonStyle, label: String, emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory

Creates a button factory with the style, label and emoji provided.

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fun primary(label: String): ButtonFactory

Creates a primary button factory with the label provided.

fun primary(emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory
fun primary(label: String, emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory

Creates a primary button factory with the emoji provided.

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fun secondary(label: String): ButtonFactory

Creates a secondary button factory with the label provided.

fun secondary(emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory
fun secondary(label: String, emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory

Creates a secondary button factory with the emoji provided.

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fun success(label: String): ButtonFactory

Creates a success button factory with the label provided.

fun success(emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory
fun success(label: String, emoji: Emoji): ButtonFactory

Creates a success button factory with the emoji provided.