
This class lets you create smart components such as buttons, select menus, and groups.

Every component can either be persistent or ephemeral, all components can be configured to:

  • Be used once

  • Have timeouts, a default timeout is set on ephemeral components, which can be overridden, or set by the timeout methods.

  • Have handlers

  • Have constraints (checks before the button can be used)

Except component groups which can only have their timeout configured, their default timeouts are the same as components.

Persistent components

  • Kept after restart

  • Handlers are methods; they can have arguments passed to them

  • Timeouts are also methods, additionally, they will be rescheduled when the bot restarts

Ephemeral components

  • Are deleted once the bot restarts

  • Handlers are closures, they can capture objects, but you shouldn't capture JDA entities

  • Timeouts are also closures, but are not rescheduled when restarting

Component groups

  • If deleted, all contained components are deleted

  • If one of the contained components is deleted, then all of its subsequent groups are also deleted

Note: Component groups cannot contain components with timeouts, you will need to disable the timeout on the components.

See also


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object Companion


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suspend fun deleteComponents(vararg components: IdentifiableComponent)
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suspend fun deleteComponentsByIds(vararg ids: Int)
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@JvmName(name = "deleteComponentsByIds")
fun deleteComponentsByIdsJava(vararg ids: Int)
@JvmName(name = "deleteComponentsByIds")
fun deleteComponentsByIdsJava(ids: Collection<Int>)
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@JvmName(name = "deleteComponents")
fun deleteComponentsJava(vararg components: IdentifiableComponent)
@JvmName(name = "deleteComponents")
fun deleteComponentsJava(components: Collection<IdentifiableComponent>)
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suspend fun deleteRows(components: Collection<LayoutComponent>)
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@JvmName(name = "deleteRows")
fun deleteRowsJava(components: Collection<LayoutComponent>)
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fun ephemeralButton(style: ButtonStyle, label: String? = null, emoji: Emoji? = null): EphemeralButtonBuilder
inline suspend fun ephemeralButton(style: ButtonStyle, label: String? = null, emoji: Emoji? = null, block: EphemeralButtonBuilder.() -> Unit): Button
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fun group(vararg components: IGroupHolder): ComponentGroupFactory
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fun persistentButton(style: ButtonStyle, label: String? = null, emoji: Emoji? = null): PersistentButtonBuilder
inline suspend fun persistentButton(style: ButtonStyle, label: String? = null, emoji: Emoji? = null, block: PersistentButtonBuilder.() -> Unit): Button